Tuesday, December 3, at 6pm
Room 3, CaixaForum
Screening of the documentary ‘Apunts en blanc’, by ACAPPS Federation, led and co-created by fourteen young university students with deafness. Through their experiences, we will explore together the challenges of access to education for the deaf community, both here and in the rest of the world.
After the screening, we will have the opportunity to meet part of the documentary’s team and to learn about the difficulties and solutions that deaf and hard of hearing students face in the different educational stages. It will be a space to learn, share and be inspired.
We will also take an international look with the screening of fragments of other documentaries that will take us to different educational realities: ‘Último año’, from Chile, and ‘Imade’ from Morocco and Spain. We will be accompanied by people with deafness, who will explain in first person their experiences in the educational field in various parts of the world.
This activity is held within the framework of the Acció Cinema | Catalunya Film Festivals project, and will be moderated by Claudia Torné, coordinator of Apropa Cultura.
L’Associació Inclús és la impulsora del Festival Internacional de Cinema i Discapacitat de Barcelona, així com altres activitats transversals al llarg de l’any, i té l’objectiu d’incidir dins del sector audiovisual i sensibilitzar el públic en general sobre la diversitat i la inclusió.