Inclusive education, utopia or reality?

Monday November 27, 6-8 pm

CaixaForum, Room 3

Free activity


Following the screening of the documentary ‘Invisible Barriers’ (Arquitectura Sin Fronteras, Panot Films and Agencia Catalana de Cooperación al Desarrollo – 15min), about accessibility and inclusion in schools in Spain and Guatemala, we will talk about the real role of inclusive education in our society.What should be improved? Are there enough resources?


What is the role of families with a child with a disability? Is there an emotional accompaniment of students? What is the experience of all classmates? With what criteria is the decision of schooling taken? What barriers do we find that prevent inclusion?…


All this and much more is what will be discussed in this roundtable, in which we will have voices from the administration, schools, families and students in first person.



With the support of Arquitectura sense fronteres


Free tickets