Moorea, an Asian American high school senior with a sparkling smile, wins Homecoming Queen at her high school in Laguna Beach. Everyone in the crowd cheers as Moorea drops to her knees with gratitude. Born with Williams Syndrome, she has enjoyed a life filled with close friends and a boyfriend. After high school graduation, life becomes filled heartache and disappointment. Yet, Moorea and her circle of friends work hard to pursue their dreams. The moments of emotional intimacy and joy overcome the bittersweet in this heart-warming documentary about the healing power of love.
L’Associació Inclús és la impulsora del Festival Internacional de Cinema i Discapacitat de Barcelona, així com altres activitats transversals al llarg de l’any, i té l’objectiu d’incidir dins del sector audiovisual i sensibilitzar el públic en general sobre la diversitat i la inclusió.