Lego Oma

Karina Sturm

  • Genre: Short Documentary Film
  • Country: Germany
  • Year: 2023
  • Duration: 12'
  • Language: English VO - Catalan AD / SPS
  • Screening: Dissabte, 2 de desembre, 21h
  • View Trailer


Lego Oma is a short documentary about Rita Ebel, aka the Lego Oma, a German grandma and wheelchair user. Since her car accident, which broke her lumbar spine and caused paralysis from her waist down, she constantly had to find creative ways to continue doing the things she loves. When she noticed most of the places in her hometown were inaccessible to her, she decided to make a statement by building wheelchair ramps from Lego, to force non-disabled people to think about accessibility.

Karina Sturm