Official Selection
Feature Fiction Film
Short Fiction Film
Feature Documentary Film
Posa't a la nostra pell
Entity: Arep per la Salut Mental

Arep per la Salut Mental is a non-profit organization that was created in 1979 to meet the needs of the people with mental health problems in Barcelona. The mission of the AREP Association is to improve the living conditions of people with mental health problems between 15 and 65 years of age, their integration into society and in the productive system and the fight against the clichés and prejudices that, rather than the mental illness itself, trap and isolate them.
Entity: Fundació Joia

Fundació Joia is an entity that offers social and labor insertion services to motivate, define and publicize the capabilities of people with mental health disorders through its 10 services, located in five districts of Barcelona.
Entity: UEN

The Neurological Stimulation Unit (UEN) is an organization that manages neurorehabilitation centres and focuses all its efforts on the physical, cognitive and psychosocial rehabilitation of people with acquired brain damage and other central nervous system disorders.
Entity: Club Social Egara

Located in Terrassa, they are an entity that works with people who have a mental health problem. They ensure the improvement of their quality of life through workshops, activities and outings. They work together to give voice to mental health and break stigmas.
We will know the personal story of Karen Gonzàlez, CODA and TN 3/24 sign language interpreter, who will talk with Josep Maria Soro and Juanpe Ventura, director and editor of the TEBVist respectively.
We will also enjoy a surprising experience with the students of the FEDAC Guissona.

As CODA (short for "Child of Deaf Adults"), Ruby is the only one in her family who can hear. When the family's fishing business is threatened, Ruby finds herself torn between her love for music and her fear of abandoning her parents.
- Genre: Feature Fiction Film
- Country: USA
- Year: 2021
- Duration: 1h 41'
- Screening: Dimarts, 23 de novembre, 19h
Closing ceremony
Screening of the documentary and subsequent interview with the directors, Anna Thomson and David Baksh, and the founder of La Fageda, Cristòbal Colón. The interview will be conducted by Montse Armengou, director of Sense Ficció.
Awards ceremony of Inclús 2021.

Yogurt Utopia
Whilst society shut down the asylums, it never truly found a place for the mentally ill. But when a young psychologist at a failing institution in Spain took a handful of patients and started a business, it grew into a multi-million dollar yoghurt brand that now employs hundreds of people with mental health problems. But after 35 years its founder, Cristobal Colon, needs to find a replacement to ensure the business has a future without him.
'Yoghurt Utopia' follows a tumultuous year in the life of the La Fageda Cooperative and its workers, both inside and outside the factory.
The documentary is a co-production between England and Spain, with TV3 and Massa D'Or.
The team will be present after the screening.
- Genre: Feature Documentary Film
- Country: UK
- Year: 2020
- Duration: 1h 11'
- Screening: Dimarts, 30 de novembre, 19h
Official Selection Jury

Mauricio Riffo / Teniente Dan
Santiago de Chile. Publicist, communicational advisor of the Labor Inclusion Law for people with disabilities. Comedian and creator of the first Spanish-speaking disability audiovisual broadcasting channel.

Jeny Montagut
Communicator and cultural producer. She has carried out press and marketing campaigns for different events such as DocsBarcelona; Animac, the Lleida International Animated Film Festival; the Memorimage, Reus International Archival Images Festival or the Audiovisual Talent Week, organized by the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia.

Marc Galver
Graduated in Audiovisual Communication, he studied Cinematography at ECIB, Barcelona. He currently combines making documentaries and advertising. He has worked with brands such as La Caixa, Women’s Secret, Budweiser, Nike, Fútbol Club Barcelona, Intermon Oxfam and Pepsi. He also collaborates with the Barcelona charity AJUTSI, creating documentaries about their school. His latest documentary, 'Astrid', was the winner of the 2020 Inclús Festival, among other international awards.
Official Selection

Me too

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Not Going Quietly